Jan 31, 2018 | Companies, People

Between November 10 and December 19 of 2017, we carried out the Smiles Campaing (Campaña Son-Risas, in Spanish). The generosity, joy and the gift of service of the participants around the world nourished this iniciative. Given that, with the gifts received from Bogotá, Cali, Bucaramanga, Cúcuta, and Cartagena, we accomplished the purpose of filling hospitals and homes with a children’s smile. We did it! More tan 5.000 gifts were shared!

The Dra. Clown Foundation is thankfull to each person, families and businesses that joined this campaing. It wouldn’t have been posible without you! We express our gratitude to our allied companies WINNY, SANITAS, CPL AROMAS and to every volunteer that reached the most distant places through the help of Air Force brigades.

“Laughter is the universal language, the soul’s language, profound. Today I performed a show to co-language children, many of whom did not speak spanish. What a wonderful experience!”. – Volunteer.

As always, the best payment we receive is the smile of all the children we help and the work done from this Foundation to keep alive the Laughter Therapy in Colombia.





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