Doctora Clown Foundation

Since 1998, promoting the emotional health of Colombians.

Doctora Clown Foundation

 We are a non-profit organization, dedicated to positively impact the quality of life of Colombians.
For us, the Clown is the technique, the figure and the essence that we use to enhance the physical, psychological and emotional health of those we serve through Laughter Therapy.

At the Doctora Clown Foundation, we are convinced that laughter is the best formula to learn, communicate, overcome, empower, forgive and manage the circumstances that arise in all areas of life: personal, work, social and community.


SINCE 1998
SINCE 1998


By 2020, we will be a leading institution in the development of playful, artistic and pedagogical strategies for social and business intervention; Likewise, we will have a line of research focused on Laughter Therapy and a certified academic program in “Therapeutic Clown”.


We are convinced that laughter is life, that is why our actions are dedicated to promoting the Emotional Health of Colombians through Laughter Therapy.

We use the clown technique to create artistic and thematic proposals, focused on offering pedagogical, playful and versatile services; applicable in different areas (hospital, cultural, business, organizational, school, social, among others).

We have specialized personnel, with a high human sense, capable of ensuring that our activities are developed under the pillars of creativity, quality and innovation.

  • Ingenuity
  • Responsibility
  • Human sense
  • Commitment
We are convinced that laughter is life, that is why our actions are dedicated to promoting the Emotional Health of Colombians through Laughter Therapy. We use the clown technique to create artistic and thematic proposals, focused on offering pedagogical, playful and versatile services; applicable in different areas (hospital, cultural, business, organizational, school, social, among others). We have specialized personnel, with a high human sense, capable of ensuring that our activities are developed under the pillars of creativity, quality and innovation.
By 2020, we will be a leading institution in the development of playful, artistic and pedagogical strategies for social and business intervention; Likewise, we will have a line of research focused on Laughter Therapy and a certified academic program in “Therapeutic Clown”.


Imagination and creativity are the axis of the playful solutions that we offer in our institutional work.


We consciously assume each of our activities, knowing their importance and consequences.


The human being is our priority and axis in all work; We seek to transcend in all its dimensions, leaving a trace in their daily lives through the playful.


We direct all our projects to meet the needs Involve in all aspects with the projects of the Foundation, to assume with a sense of belonging the achievement of their purposes.



    We are convinced that laughter is life, that is why our actions are dedicated to promoting the Emotional Health of Colombians through Laughter Therapy.
    We use the clown technique to create artistic and thematic proposals, focused on offering pedagogical, playful and versatile services; applicable in different areas (hospital, cultural, business, organizational, school, social, among others).
    We have specialized personnel, with a high human sense, capable of ensuring that our activities are developed under the pillars of creativity, quality and innovation.


    By 2020, we will be a leading institution in the development of playful, artistic and pedagogical strategies for social and business intervention; Likewise, we will have a line of research focused on Laughter Therapy and a certified academic program in “Therapeutic Clown”.


    • Ingenuity
    • Responsibility
    • Human sense
    • Commitment


    Estamos convencidos de que la risa es vida, por eso, nuestras acciones están dedicadas a potenciar la Salud Emocional de los colombianos mediante la Terapia de la Risa. Empleamos la técnica clown para crear propuestas artísticas y temáticas, enfocadas a ofrecer servicios pedagógicos, lúdicos y versátiles; aplicables en diferentes ámbitos (hospitalario, cultural, empresarial, organizacional, escolar, social, entre otros). Contamos con personal especializado, de alto sentido humano, capaz de asegurar que nuestras actividades se desarrollen bajo los pilares de la creatividad, la calidad y la innovación.


    Para el 2020, seremos una institución líder en el desarrollo de estrategias lúdicas, artísticas y pedagógicas para la intervención social y empresarial; así mismo, contaremos con una línea de investigación enfocada en la Terapia de la Risa y un   programa académico certificado en “Clown Terapéutico”.


    • Ingenio
    • Responsabilidad
    • Sentido humano
    • Compromiso


    Estamos convencidos de que la risa es vida, por eso, nuestras acciones están dedicadas a potenciar la Salud Emocional de los colombianos mediante la Terapia de la Risa. Empleamos la técnica clown para crear propuestas artísticas y temáticas, enfocadas a ofrecer servicios pedagógicos, lúdicos y versátiles; aplicables en diferentes ámbitos (hospitalario, cultural, empresarial, organizacional, escolar, social, entre otros). Contamos con personal especializado, de alto sentido humano, capaz de asegurar que nuestras actividades se desarrollen bajo los pilares de la creatividad, la calidad y la innovación.
    Para el 2020, seremos una institución líder en el desarrollo de estrategias lúdicas, artísticas y pedagógicas para la intervención social y empresarial; así mismo, contaremos con una línea de investigación enfocada en la Terapia de la Risa y un   programa académico certificado en “Clown Terapéutico”.



    • Ingenio
    • Responsabilidad
    • Sentido humano
    • Compromiso


    Our quality policy is aimed at providing innovative and transformative solutions that contribute to the achievement of the client’s objectives; through the application of playful pedagogies, with creative and personalized proposals.

    We have a qualified human team that guarantees the effectiveness of the processes and continuous improvement; oriented to the positioning of the strategy at the company level.


    Due to our perseverance and social impact, in different opportunities, we have been worthy of these acknowledgments:

    • “Sello País Niño – Colombia Niña” Prize awarded by the Colombian Family Welfare Institute in 2003.

    • “Portfolio Award 2005” in the category Contribution to the Community, awarded by the newspaper Portfolio of the publishing house El Tiempo.

    • “Éxito 2007 Women Award” in the Cultural and Artistic Category, granted by the Fundación Mujeres de Éxito.

    • “Cafam Woman 2010” award granted by the Cafam family compensation fund.

    • Award “Alas de Esperanza” granted by the Colombian Air Force, in 2010.

    • “Mujer Mujer” Prize awarded by the Laudes Infantis Foundation in 2010.

    • Meritorious Civil Order “María Currea de Aya” granted by the Council of Bogotá, in 2014.

    • “Colombiano Ejemplar” Prize, awarded by the newspaper El Colombiano in 2016

    Our greatest pride is to promote the happiness and emotional health of Colombians

    General Director and Foundress


    “If we just laughed more each day, we could have a healthier life because laughter is such a complete exercise that it involves you even to the spirit.”
    General Director and Foundress
    “If we just laughed more each day, we could have a healthier life because laughter is such a complete exercise that it involves you even to the spirit.”

    Administrative and Financial Director

    The smile of a boy or a girl portrays the value of Laughter Therapy. Every time we see their faces illuminated in images, videos or in the hospital, I know that what we do is worthwhile.

    Volunteer Coordinator

    Every day we receive people interested in giving of the best they have to heal with laughter. All of them challenge themselves to leave their comfort zone, have fun and fill every space of their life with the slogan ” Laughter is life ”, to turn it into real actions for those we serve in hospitals and reception centers.
    Be the transcendence that represents every nose that channel, and how vital it is to do things with passion! I have always lived with the motto that has the foundation that “Life is Yellow, Love and Ya! and it is the best trace of my existence.

    Administrative assistant

    It has been scientifically proven that laughter is a source of health and wellbeing because in doing so there is a physical, psychic and emotional recovery of the human being. With our work we make the body secrete endorphins that help relieve pain and depression.


    Administrative and Financial Director

    The smile of a boy or a girl portrays the value of Laughter Therapy. Every time we see their faces illuminated in images, videos or in the hospital, I know that what we do is worthwhile.


    Volunteer Coordinator

    Every day we receive people interested in giving of the best they have to heal with laughter. All of them challenge themselves to leave their comfort zone, have fun and fill every space of their life with the slogan ” Laughter is life ”, to turn it into real actions for those we serve in hospitals and reception centers.


    Be the transcendence that represents every nose that channel, and how vital it is to do things with passion! I have always lived with the motto that has the foundation that “Life is Yellow, Love and Ya! and it is the best trace of my existence.


    Administrative assistant

    It has been scientifically proven that laughter is a source of health and wellbeing because in doing so there is a physical, psychic and emotional recovery of the human being. With our work we make the body secrete endorphins that help relieve pain and depression.

    We bring the heart to the tip of the nose.


    Picarín con mucho swing Ver Mas..


    Sigue mi nariz y serás feliz Ver Mas..


    Je te trueverai… Le vrai Amour…. Salut. Ver Mas..


    Vengo desde la selva donde aún el espíritu se conserva. Ver Mas..



    Cantante de profesión y por afición. Ver Mas..






    Azul es un payaso rapero que viene de estrella azul que queda cerca de la luna. Ver Mas..




    Tovermory 009 es un espía clown proveniente de la ciudad de San Petersburgo Rusia. Ver Mas..



    Cuerdita es músico, toca la guitarra, el cuatro llanero, el ukelele y tiple. Ver Mas..


    Infutina es la hija del rey de Toxicrón, un planeta hermoso, alejado de la tierra, por unas cuantas galaxias. . Ver Mas..


    Prisma, proviene de la familia Estelar, es mensajera de la luz y puede viajar por el mundo a través de los arcoíris que produce. Ver Mas..


    Animor, tiene generalmente la forma de un perro por eso es muy juguetona. Ver Mas..



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