Jimena Moreno Agudelo
Hello! I’m Dr. Animor
and my story is an example of love.
Although I am human because of things in life,
I was raised by a dog, which was my mother and my company.
I learned the language of animals,
I am animalglut, I speak their languages.
I’m half human, I’m half doggy
and do not confuse me … I’m not a bear.
I am very loving, I am an animator,
and I have the recipe for your pain,
I cured the sadness, the anger, the stress,
with my animal joy, I put your world upside down.
I am very playful, I am raptured,
I am very reckless, I am very clueless,
But when it comes to cheer up life,
I am your great friend, I am from your pack.