Sep 20, 2018 | Companies, People

When one hears the word ‘Grandfather’When one hears the word ‘Grandfather’
One thinks about caring and serving 
But also, a world that screams for attention
This is how the beautiful adventure started
I joined this trip through my heart 
Gathered as volunteers, we chose the Hogar San José Hospitalario
To lead and touch doors and hearts
As I saw my grandparents and parents reflected gave me enthusiasm 
And that was the thrive of this story
It was a daily marathon touching and opening doors 
That brought me closer to many kind people
They tried to do their bit
That way, we managed to gather everything the grandparents needed
Then, the big day came to share a part of us
It was a day to care, spoil, smile and love this beautiful community 
I was there and the time came to become a clown 
And bring laughs, joy, leaving the hustle and the day to day basis behind
The curtain opens. You are there
Standing in front of innocent, vivid faces, people with past
These people put their hopes on those red noses
Behind those small masks you feel invincible 
You want to see them happy, loved, connected
Each attentive face, smiling, though some are sad
My heart rate accelerates, I dance, sing, smile and joke
My joy echoes throughout their faces
My labor, my existence is more valued there, I feel the pride in serving

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