Aug 23, 2017 | Companies, People

Doctor Clown put the share of joy and sensitize health personnel and pediatric physicians on dignified care and with love for children and adolescents attending daily consultations in the framework of the Centennial Congress (30th Colombian Congress of Pediatrics), which is being held in the city of Cartagena.

As a central event of the celebration of the 100 years of work for the health and welfare of our children and adolescents, the Colombian Pediatric Society (SCP, for its acronym in Spanish) organizes for this 2017 the Congress of the Centennial (30th Colombian Pediatric Congress) a great event to be held on July 6, 7 and 8 at the Cartagena de Indias-CCCI Convention Center ‘La heroica’. It will be supported by its international academic allies: American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH), Boston Children’s Hospital (e.g.) and Cook Children’s Hospital (Texas).

More than 3.000 pediatricians and other health professionals in the country and internationally are invited to this acknowledged health event in Colombia and Latin America that offers training and updating on topics of pediatric interest. It will be three days with the most complete academic agenda covering conferences, conversations, symposia and plenaries, led by leading experts not only from Colombia, but from abroad; even a complete commercial show with the participation of the pharmaceutical industry and domestic consumption.

In addition, awards will be presented to the Outstanding Resident 2017, which awards an important recognition to the best of the national residents applied for pediatrics, and the Pediatric Research Award, with the distinction of the most outstanding scientific works and research contributions in this field of healthcare.

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