In our extensive trajectory as a social organization, we have taken care to prioritize the human being in all its dimensions, leaving a mark through play and art.

We are moved by the effect generated by laughter, where art is used as a tool for social transformation, where participants: children, youth, adults and the elderly, are recognized in their talents and skills, always with the certainty of achieving better conditions for each of them.

We are an organization that believes in the guarantee of Human Rights; in joy, knowledge, values and dreams; as elements of change.

With art and laughter we design strategies so that their participants connect with their source of happiness, offering them equal conditions and opportunities; and thus, contribute to their empowerment under the principle of participation.

Active programs:


  1. Teraphy of the laugh: Directed to children, grandparents and grandmothers in conditions of vulnerability and / or different abilities.
  2. Project ‘Peace and Art’: Aimed at 100 boys and girls between 6 and 14 years old, from the school of Quiba-Guabal.
  3. ‘Tokando’ program: Directed to 100 children of Quiba-Guabal.
  4. Therapy ‘Love that becomes hugs of life.’
  5. Volunteering of joy




Young boys




Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF)

Culture Ministry


Colombian Society of Pediatrics

Swiss Embassy




Let us be part of your corporate social responsibility by allowing your collaborators to form corporate volunteering “ambassadors of joy, or taking actions that contribute to the financing of some of our interventions or programs.”

Boarding topics:

Childhood, Children’s rights, Development, Peace, Reintegration, social construction, Values, Promotion of rights, prevention and prevention campaigns. Empower moments of joy to live happiness in a big way.


The project “PaZyarte … children multiplying peace and art”, aimed at 100 children, and girls between 6 and 14 years of age and the school of Quiba-Guabal.

The project “PaZyarte … children and multipliers of peace and art”, seeks to promote resilience in children and youth through the Clown training, to strengthen their skills, skills and attitudes to overcome adversity, face situations of risk and get ahead. It is a bet for the construction of a country, in the framework of the construction of peace and new coexistence where we want to address with children in this second phase issues such as: Confidence, Honesty, Peace, Reconciliation, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Happiness and Equity -Inclusion, mediated by the encounter with the clown himself. It is a trip to the most authentic of each as a means of preventing high-risk situations that children and young people face day to day as the link to conflict, armed groups, violence, abuse, abuse and sexual exploitation .

Scholarship Program TOKANDO

Agreement with the Yamaha Foundation for the musical initiation of 100 children in rural Bogotá. “KANDO is a Japanese word that expresses feelings of deep emotion and satisfaction when something of exceptional value is found. KANDO is joy, a deep joy that inspires us to take on every challenge.”

Love Therapy, which becomes hugs of life

It is born from the daily observation and the needs identified in each of the hospitals and clinics during the realization of laughter therapy by the clown, where an effective response becomes evident. Its objective is to provide this accompaniment and physical comfort to newborn babies from the hospital, who have been abandoned, with neonantal withdrawal syndrome or who, for one reason or another, do not have the permanent support of their families as a primary support network.


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