Laughter is the best medicine because it generates a positive change, both physical and emotional. The body secretes chemical substances that reduce stress, it releases brain endorphins which act on pain and increase the secretion of serotonin, facilitating the recovery of patients and reducing the time of hospitalization. The great virtue of Laughter Therapy is equivalent to directly increasing the quality of life with its preventive capacity.

One of the focuses of Doctor Clown’s work is the dissemination of the rights of children. This is done in a creative and artistic way. Clown Doctors produce magical moments in children and restores their confidence in health. His work reaches various places such as hospitals, retirement homes and schools, among others.

What is Laughter Therapy?

It is an individual or collective exercise, organic or feigned. Laughter can become a transformative discipline thanks to the development of joy, optimism and humor.

It helps to develop strategies to promote our development and personal growth: It improves self-esteem, self-confidence, satisfaction and personal well-being.


  • Facilitates learning
  • Promotes the production of endorphins
  • Eliminate stress
  • A laughter activates 400 muscles
  • Low blood pressure
  • Reduces the risks of bleeding in surgery
  • Improves diastolic and systolic movements of the heart
  • Rejuvenates
  • Decrease worries
  • Avoid constipation
  • Oxygenates the lungs and the skin
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