Sandra Viviana Vargas

Ole Susmercedes! How do they meet? …

My name is: Franvisca Freedom of the Angels of the Sanctuary of Jesus … What, very dijicil ?, Guélvalo to repeat but faster! … FranviscaFreedom of the Angels ofSantatrinidaddeJesus … if after desto the güerguero was tormented, you can tell me Lupita more easy.

You wonder why that long name? … Well, they’ll see; my taita Salvador de los Angeles and my mother Auxilio Socorro of the holy trinity of Jesus, they had me, and so I was born they told me that I was paturrita, ojitotiada and a very visca, just like the first vaquita that they had in the jinca and it was called Blizzard, that disque indespués flew because it was believed that it was pisca. And that makes me laugh! Anton for that reason they called me Franvisca, and Libertad for the fields where I watched myself grow. I come from Pualla, going up through Lomabaja and going down through Lomalta, and from there making a leg, we get to the jiinca emisitas. A blessed little land where there is what is yucca, lapapa, larbeja, lashabas, lasubas, Lasibias, laschuguas, cubcubios, Ansina of everything! He also grows up what he is; eltoro, lavaca, lamula, lacabra, lamirla, lalora, lagallina, lamarrana …! gueno que vusté quera! and tando jeliz in my hill, I went to win pachar the capital. Antón I came across sadnesses and weeds, which happened to sow laughs pa’endespues to harvest love, of all the hearts that lupita parurrita want to hear praise.

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